The Good Example: Businesses and startups that help others during quarantine

In times like the unusual ones we live in now, there’s nothing more important than spreading love and support to everyone who needs it. Hospitals, patients, employees, businesses, stores- everyone’s trying to survive and sometimes the tiniest bit of support can make a big impact on someone’s life even without us realizing it.
Here’s why we decided to create a list of startups and companies that come up with creative ways to support communities around the world. There’s obviously thousands of amazing examples out there which couldn’t make us more happy because we see the effort and the love that businesses are now putting into supporting others. This is just a small portion of them.
Please feel free to email us with more suggestions so we can give a shout-out to those lovely people who are doing their best to help us all go through this. We will update the list in future.
Naicoms - a Bulgarian company, offers their platform MedCare for free during the pandemic. The platform provides free 24/7 online video medical consultations. Consultants can provide professional advice on monitoring a chronic illness such as diabetes, analyze the results of studies, guide you into preventive care, or help you when you do not know whom to contact for healthcare, give a second opinion on already existing diagnosis and be your partner in many other situations.
Kry, a Swedish digital healthcare company, has launched a free web-based platform for healthcare professionals across Europe to use to keep in touch with their patients.
Doctor Care Anywhere, a digital healthcare company, is offering a free training programme for GPs in the UK to help them conduct safe and effective video consultations.
Liki24, a Ukrainian online pharmacy startup, offers free deliveries of medicines during quarantine.
Adent Health, a Copenhagen-based dental care app has fast-tracked the development of its ‘digital dental consultation platform’. Dental professionals will soon be able to use the consultation platform for free during the global pandemic.
FirstVet, a Swedish telemedicine platform for vet and pet owners, has made its services available for free to all pet owners across the UK and in the Nordics.
Mindhope, a Spanish online therapy platform connects expert psychologists with those in a vulnerable state for free.
Management and HR
Jubiwee, a Paris-based team management and communication platform, has launched a free tool to help managers and HR to follow up on how teams are doing, and how they’re dealing with the effects of the coronavirus outbreak.
Thyngs, a UK-based payments platform has partnered with Charities Trust, offering a free tool that allows brands to raise funds via their own physical products and services.
Peakon, a platform which measures and improves employee engagement has launched a free Covid-19 support hub. Companies have free access to the Peakon platform for three months to help them understand how to respond to workforce situations during the pandemic.
XWiki’s open source collaboration software is free to use — and now, for three months, so is its cloud infrastructure.
Valispace, a Lisbon-headquartered browser-based software for engineers is taking part in the CoVent-19 Challenge, which is solving the mechanical ventilator shortages across the globe for those in need.
Workable, the hiring platform, has made its video-interviewing add-on free for three months to help companies hire remotely.
Freepik Company, a Malaga-stationed startup providing free graphic resources such as photos, icons and presentation templates is providing its premium accounts for free, with access to all of its graphic resources for teachers, journalists and health professionals.
Kobi, a Slovenian mobile app helping children to learn how to read, especially those with learning difficulties and dyslexia, is providing free monthly licences to keep children learning during the pandemic.
And here’s something else that we found interesting: there’s even a project for a park in Vienna that is designed to keep everyone six feet apart! Can you guess the name of the park? It's called Park de la Distance.
That's it from us for now. Stay safe and healthy.